Captain Mbaye Diagne Scholarship
The United World College Mostar Endowment ‘Bridge to the Future’ established the Captain Mbaye Diagne Scholarship. This scholarship will provide a free place for a student from either Rwanda or Senegal at United World College (UWC) Mostar in perpetuity.
Commenting on the creation of the scholarship, the widow of Captain Mbaye Diagne, Ms Yacine Diagne, stated: “I am very honoured and proud at the creation of a scholarship in the name of my late husband. This must open our eyes and show us the way towards solidarity and towards love for our fellow human beings, for our country and our planet as the way to achieve any success. May the Lord assist us in all these endeavours and may the door of happiness be open to all of us. Such a great honour really touches our hearts as members of Captain Mbaye Diagne’s family: this is why our children and I are very grateful to the UWC; and indeed, the decision of the Mostar Endowment is a reason of pride for the Senegalese.”