Nancy Nabahire Ngutete
My name is Nancy Nabahire Ngutete, I am 17 years old, and I’m a second year in United WorldCollege Mostar. When I applied to UWC, I was a very young with vague dreams to travel the world,learn from different kinds of people, and have an impact in the world. I successfully got admittedand when I finally got in Mostar, I was amazed by how international and motivated everyone wasand that changed my life or at least the way I now think. I learnt to challenge myself more, challengepeople’s opinions, take bigger risks and make lifelong friends with whom we talk about interestingtopics of what is going on in the world. UWC will be part of me for my whole life and I’m planning tospread the values and the knowledge I gained to the rest of the world youth by engaging withdifferent organizations that help people with less opportunities or health issues to achieve theirdreams despite their disabilities or less chance in life. I will of course still be striving to achieve mydreams of having a degree in cognitive science and even more with time.When I think of Captain Mbaye Diagne, I am first extremely grateful for his courageous deed to savethe innocent people in my country and I am even more inspired because I have the same views ofthe world like his and he is supporting my journey to my dreams despite his absence. I am verythankful to his wife Mrs. Diagne for keeping fulfilling his dream and his morals. I personally see heras a good example of a woman who promotes peace through education and in honor of her latehusband. In this century, gender equality is promoted, gender norms are challenged, and womencan now do what men do even though there are still challenges in that transition. So, I believewomen can and do contribute to peace today through stepping up and challenging what they thinkis wrong, raising their children to be problem solvers and peace builders, and finally getting out oftheir comfort zones (homes) and make projects to spread feminism and human rights. The youththough has more energy, ambition, and the future in their hands. We have to first be positive for thefuture and we should fight against any kind of discrimination. We should be more accepting to allkinds of people and we should be more involved in our nations or international activities because it’sin working together that we will maintain peace and extend it where it’s not.
Thanks to the CAPTAIN MBAYE DIAGNE SCHOLARSHIP, every two years, a 16 years’ old most
deserving male or female student from Senegal or from Rwanda are given access to a two
years’ course at the United World College in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, another
country and people which has known suffering similar to the suffering of the Rwandans.
In a multicultural context, with youth coming from all parts of the world, this young
Rwandans and Senegalese go, with the others, through a unique educative and formative
experience, becoming from every perspective citizens of the world who will work towards
peace in international relations.
Here’s the story of NANCY NABAHIRE, the first young Rwandan girl who currently studies in
Mostar thanks to the Captain Mbaye Diagne Scholarship.