The Association
The Association of Captain Mbaye Diagne for the Culture of Peace has the goal to promote the legacy of Captain Mbaye Diagne and by doing so, to promote a culture of peace and non-violence in Senegal and in the rest of the world. The Association will act through education, communication and awareness campaigns, as well as projects meant to produce moral, social, economic and environmental impact, and to improve the conditions of life of future generations.
Our Objectives
Promote the memory of Captain Mbaye Diagne and his accomplishments;
Contribute to the prevention of conflicts, wars and genocides and to the construction of sustainable peace through the integration of non-violent values in social attitudes;
Promote actions to improve support to the families of civilian and military personnel who died while serving United Nations peace keeping operations and the cause of peace in the world;
Promote sustainable non-violent social development, love, tolerance and dialogue, non-discrimination, principled information, participation, justice and the right to the pursuit of happiness for all.